Pond Side Treatments

With over fourteen years of experience in pond side visits, Healthy Koi is one of the few companies in the UK who specialises in Koi Health and offers an onsite Pond Diagnostics service. We believe and have found through our experience that the only way to truly treat Koi Health issues is to assess the root cause of the problem on site. Using up to date methods and knowledge we can diagnose your pond problems, ensuring we find the cause of any Koi sickness or behavioural changes.

Pond Side TreatmentsPart of this process will involve performing a mucus biopsy followed by microscopy analysis. We undertake the checking of the pond water for any signs of toxicity and water parameter problems, tracking down the source, if any is found.

Electronic water testing meters are used for the on- site analysis and if the problem seems to related to toxicology, then second and third stage water analysis are undertaken off- site in specialist laboratories for metal examination and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry scanning. In the third stage, the scanner can identify up to 100,000 different compounds using a broad qualitive analysis.

Intravenous blood samples are taken if a non- intrusive pathological examination or vial testing is required.

GCMS ScanningFollowing the diagnosis, the complete pond or individual Koi will be treated depending upon the nature of the problem and whether it is an acute or local problem. We aim to deal with the cause of the problem and not just the clinical symptoms. Environmental improvements have often removed the need to medicate.

We always follow up on our pond visits to ensure your Koi health improves; making recommendations if necessary to ensure your Koi remain in top health. Please call us for further details.